1. Objectivity
There is no absolute objectivity, but this does not invalidate the search for factual truth. It is because we are aware of subjectivity that we need to seek objectivity. The collaborator must seek the truth and disseminate it.
The plurality of sources, teamwork and careful and unprejudiced research contribute to the pursuit of objectivity in information.
The noun should be privileged and be parsimonious when using the adjective and adverb; these are one step away from making a value judgment. The conditional must be used exceptionally.
2. Accuracy
Care must be taken not to disclose inaccurate or improper material, in terms of text or image, which is likely to mislead or distort facts.
Our work is not fiction, so the two levels must not mix under any circumstances and the employee cannot invent characters, situations or statements. Fictitious names are only tolerated exceptionally, to protect the identity of the sources, and this fact should always be noted.
3. Unidentified sources
Anonymous quotation should be avoided, avoiding rumors. Each information must be attributed to the source of origin, which must be identified as accurately as possible. The identification of the source reinforces the authority and credibility of the information.
Anonymity should be an exception and only applies to protect the integrity of the source or to report facts that are not otherwise accessible. An anonymous source never has an opinion.
The employee has an ethical and deontological obligation to, under the terms of the law, protect the confidentiality relationship with his information sources, whatever the legal consequences.
Paradigmas‘ editorial board has the right to ask the employee to disclose the identity of the anonymous sources used, naturally committing to maintaining the respective confidentiality.
Paradigmas, after consulting the Editorial Board, will always support its employees in protecting the confidentiality of sources, whatever the consequences.
4. Plagiarism
Plagiarism is unacceptable and therefore prohibited, be it text, image or other materials.
All transcription, total or partial, implies the identification of the respective author, as well as the respective support.
5. Honesty of procedures
Individuals or legal persons questioned should be contacted and quoted. Anyone targeted can present their arguments on an equal footing. The principle of the presumption of innocence must always be respected.
The employee does not use disguises nor does he omit his professional identity to obtain information. The employee must identify himself as such in all circumstances. Exceptions can only be justified for reasons of personal safety or when there is an unjustifiable obstruction to the work.
The function of the information body is not to judge, and should not confuse suspicion with guilt.
Titles, calls, images and captions should not distort or oversimplify.
6. Correction of errors
All errors, in fact or omission, must be promptly and explicitly recognized and corrected, with due relevance. When justified, a public apology must be submitted.
It is impossible for an information body to avoid all errors or mistakes, but it is mandatory to correct them.
There is a duty to report accurately and impartially the result of a judicial process in which Paradigmas has been involved, regardless of its outcome.
7. Right of reply
There is a duty to grant the right of reply to any person or organization, whenever duly justified, even if it does not observe the legal form required. But Paradigmas reserves the right to challenge the abusive invocation of that legal figure, in cases where the target source has refused to provide information before the article was prepared and after the published article requires the right to reply.
The reply should not, as a rule, be the subject of any editorial note. Exceptions are made where there are errors or distortions to the truth. Even so, the note should be guided by a courteous and respectful tone.
8. Kind of Language Used
Texts must be written in such a way that they can be understood by most readers. Thus, abusive recourse to jargon and technical jargon should be avoided.
Insults, obscenities, blasphemies or any type of slang are not acceptable, unless they are essential to the understanding of the news or to the correct contextualization of the report.
9. Opinion
A clear distinction must be made between news and opinion. Articles that contain personal opinion or interpretation must be clearly identified, even in the way they are placed on the page, and must be signed.
10. Signature
All works must be signed by the respective author(s). This rule is especially mandatory for texts that use anonymous sources.
Employees have the right to object to changes that distort their work and to refuse their signature. Except for changes that are dictated by needs of correction or resizing.
11. Rereading the interviews
As a rule, the employee does not have to show the interviews to the interviewees before their publication. As a precaution and as long as agreed with the interviewee, it is accepted, in exceptional cases and duly authorized by the Board, its rereading. In the event that the interviewee corrects the text, the newspaper reserves the right not to publish it.
In case of doubt or conflict, the content of the recording prevails.
These procedures must be made known to the interviewee before the interview.
12. Privacy
There is a duty to respect the privacy, family life, home, health and correspondence of each and every citizen. This obligation includes holders of public and institutional positions, as well as celebrities such as football players, writers, artists, entrepreneurs, union and business leaders, except in special and duly justified situations in which the public interest is clearly at stake, or when situations occur in which the acts of a personality contradict his public discourse.
The family or friendship relationship of people with suspects, accused or convicted is not explored.
The use of hidden means to obtain images of the private sphere of a person and / or his family, in a public or private place, without his permission is not permitted.
Likewise, the journalist is prohibited from recording conversations without the interlocutor’s authorization or from publishing information obtained directly by the journalist in an illegal or clandestine manner.
13. Independence
The employee must not write about entities (parties, companies, sports clubs, etc.) with which he is personally, family, professional or wealthy.
The employee has the right, as a citizen, to participate in political, social and cultural movements, provided that such an attitude does not prejudice his primary function of informing objectively. However, you must prevent this involvement from generating a conflict of interest, or appearance.
The employee should not use his professional condition to try to obtain personal advantages or to solve problems that are not related to the exercise of the profession.
14. Press consultancy and offices
The employee does not cumulatively provide press relations and does not participate in the ownership of advisory or communication consulting companies.
When returning to the information activity, the employee must be placed in a section that does not cover topics in the area in which he worked, and cannot return to his previous duties before 12 months have passed.
As long as the advisory work or other type of incompatibility lasts, the employee cannot maintain any type of collaboration with Paradigmas.
15. Financial journalism
Even when the law does not prohibit it, the employee cannot use for his own benefit, nor transmit to third parties, reserved financial information that he has received under his collaboration. An employee cannot write, edit or influence a news story that involves financial or patrimonial interests of his or her own family.
Employees and the entire editorial hierarchy must refrain from buying and selling company shares.
16. Payment of information
The non-payment of information and interviews should be a rule. In very exceptional cases, when the public interest is manifest, only the editorial board can decide the payment.
17. Advertising
The advertising or promotional space must be clearly marked, avoiding any ambiguity for the reader.
In a news item, the names of companies, hotels, trademarks, private or public institutions, or of another nature, should only be included if they are a useful element for information.
Preferential news treatment should not be given to advertisers or special interest groups.
18. Travel
The acceptance of invitations to travel – whether in official delegations or from private entities – within the scope of Paradigmas‘ activity, is subject to the prior authorization of the management and the recognition of its news interest.
Any service supported by third parties can only be published if accompanied by the respective mention in a clearly visible place.
19. Discrimination
References to an individual’s religion, nationality, color, sexual orientation, social status, illness or physical or mental disability should be avoided, unless authorized by the individual (or by parents or legal guardians) and such identification is an essential element. and constitutive of the news itself.
20. Harassment
The use of intimidation, blackmail or any type of harassment or persistent harassment or surveillance to obtain information or images is prohibited.
It is prohibited to accept written or visual information from third parties if obtained in violation of the previous principle.
21. Consideration for personal condition
In case of pain, suffering, physical or psychological fragility of people, the employee must not collect information that takes advantage of them, nor images that exploit them.
The information should be collected, preferably, when the sources are in a calm state and not in moments of particular pain or exaltation.
22. Minors
The employee may not obtain statements or images of children under 16 on matters involving his personality or that of other children in the absence or without the consent of parents or legal guardians.
Children or adolescents in conflict with the law must have their identity strictly protected.
23. Sexual crimes
In no case, directly or indirectly, can victims of sexual abuse be identified and / or involved in crimes or scandals of a sexual nature, even if the law does not prohibit it, whether they are victims, witnesses or perpetrators.
In the case of an adult, the identification can be disclosed with your authorization, always taking into account item 21 (consideration for personal condition).
The term “incest” should not be used when it leads to the identification of the minor involved.
24. Social Networks
“Regardless of the platform used, the journalist must respect this Code of Conduct. Thus, the newspaper defends the use of Social Networks always in accordance with the deontological rules of journalism.