- Paradigmas is an information organization whose project consists of offering the public an alternative to the Mainstream Media, whose narrative, it understands, is saturated with conformity in thought, adhering to the dominant ideological tendencies.
- Paradigmas invests in diversified information, covering the most varied fields of activity and corresponding to the motivations and interests of a plural audience.
- Paradigmas is committed to offer unbiased, well-founded and quality information, governed by criteria of rigor, impartiality and editorial creativity.
- Paradigmas is independent of political power, namely from the Government and Public Administration or other party affiliations, as well as from economic, social and religious groups, governed by criteria of pluralism, exemption and non-partisanship, which implies distant style and form addressing any issues.
- Paradigmas understands that publications of an informative nature must be independent because only in this way do they fulfill their essential function before the Society. It believes, therefore, that informative publications are not instruments nor means at the service of certain objectives, however praiseworthy they may be, but autonomous institutions with the aim of providing people with enlightening resources facilitating conscious decision making.
- Despite the impartiality already mentioned in the previous point, Paradigmas operates in a complementary / alternative information niche to that used by the Mainstream Media, so its tendency is to present alternative information to these media. However, Paradigmas‘ commitment is to publish well-founded and quality information, with the purpose of informing and not misinforming the public. Paradigmas is an information organization with convictions, but independent of all powers, manifesting this spirit of independence also in relation to its own advertisers.
- Paradigmas considers, however, that certain causes common to citizenship – such as the defense of fundamental freedoms and democracy, that of a healthy Environment that does not jeopardize future generations, that of the countries’ language and historical heritage, that of peace, that of inciting the participation of civil society in solving community problems – must be disseminated and sustained, without prejudice to pluralism of opinion and to give voice to all currents, never losing or renouncing the capacity for criticism.
- Paradigmas has always advocated freedom of expression and freedom to inform, as well as repudiating any form of Censorship or pressure, be it legislative, administrative, Political, economic or cultural.
- Paradigmas has and will keep in mind the limits imposed by the ethics of journalists, professional ethics and the Code of Conduct for Paradigmas employees. Any laws limiting freedom of expression will always be strongly opposed by this news organization.
- Paradigmas knows that it is essential, at each moment, to distinguish between the news – which should be, as much as possible, objective, limited to the narration, the relationship and the analysis of the facts for which the different parts must be heard – and the opinions that must be signed by those who defend them, clearly identifiable and published in terms of pluralism. Paradigmas takes a position through unsigned editorials that link the organ’s position.
- Paradigmas also knows that the selection of the material to be published, its placement on the various pages, the choice of the respective titles, the illustration with images, infographics or cartoons must obey insertion criteria based on the actual importance of each text and not in the ideological convictions or particular interests of those who write, choose or publish them.
- Paradigmas also knows that in very exceptional cases, there are news that deserved to be published in a prominent place, but that should not be mentioned, not by self-censorship or internal censorship, but because their disclosure would eventually be harmful to the general interest. The body reserves, of course, the right to define, on a case-by-case basis, the application of this criterion.
- Paradigmas also knows that the insistent publication of certain subjects – from crime and sex to the basics of political and economic life – could increase traffic, but it refuses to feed any kind of sensationalism that endangers the quality of information that wants to present. Even so, Paradigmas will not hide information that may have a sensational impact, not because it intends to derive any benefit from it, but because of the importance of the information in question. Paradigmas respects, above all, its readers and is aware that they accept and excuse the mistakes that Paradigmas makes, but that they would not forgive if, deliberately, by action or by omission, they deceived or abused their good faith.
- Paradigmas gives absolute priority to the coherence that historically has allowed it to be a reference project in terms of alternative information, free from any conflicts of interest.