Paradigmas Definition: why the name choice?

Definição: Paradigma

Paradigm in the Dictionary

Paradigm (Greek Paradigm, -acts)

s. m.

1. Something that serves as a general example or model. = standard

2. Gram. Set of forms that serve as a derivation or flexion model. = standard

3. Ling. Set of terms or elements that can occur in the same position or context of a structure.

Paradigm, as the dictionary shows us, is a word synonymous with pattern, norm, structure.

Paradigms in Science

For Kuhn (1962) [1], science would develop through the creation and abandonment of Paradigms, consensual models adopted by the scientific community at that time. After the establishment of a paradigm, there would be a historical period in which scientists would develop the notions and problems from the adopted paradigm. This period was called “Normal Science”, a period in which discoveries accumulate, a period of stability of opinions on fundamental points. When the paradigm is questioned, a moment of crisis arises; however, the paradigm is not yet abandoned. Scientists mobilize their efforts to resolve the anomalies. There is a point, however, when it is no longer possible to resolve such anomalies and this leads to a scientific revolution, at which point a new paradigm is emerging. This paradigm is not superior to the previous one, it only meets the needs of the historical period in which scientists are inserted.

Choice of name

We chose this name, because from what we have been observing, a certain pattern of explanation of reality was created and has been intensified, almost in a hypnotic way, which has been “sold” to humanity in general, as being the truth, and sometimes taking it as self-evident. This happens in the most varied areas of human activity.

There has been a relentless campaign to get people to believe in a certain type of operating logic, of the world, of the universe, of biology, of life, of Society, of Economics, and so on.

Paradigmas is the latin word for Paradigms.

At Paradigmas we will try to expose the current official paradigms, offering well-founded alternatives.


The purpose of our activity is only to present information as accurately as possible.

It is up to the reader to take an interest in the information presented, investigate and decide where the reality is, and may or may not consummate the well-known expression “paradigm shift”, or even better, transcend any type of paradigm (Who said we needed one?).

Bibliographic references:

[1] Kuhn, Thomas S. (1996). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. 3rd ed. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.


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